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1: Brick tray

Place the LEGO® building bricks in the corresponding compartments of the Brick Tray.

2: Corner bricks

Place the four corner bricks on the base plate as shown here.

3: Ground maps

Choose one of the Ground Maps and place it on the base plate. For your first game, we recommend playing with Ground Map 1 (see the number in the corner).

4: Starting staircase

Place one brick and two arches of any color in the white marked area on top of the Ground Map. You have now built a starting staircase. Place a golden Decoration Brick at the end of the staircase.

Place the Decoration Bricks on the table or have fun building a cool jungle with them around the Ground Map, until the Decoration Bricks are needed for play.

Place the yellow Bonus Cards in one pile.

Place the Monkey on the Monkey Trophy Card.

The Butterfly and Frog are micro expansions that add even more fun and variety. We suggest that you play a couple of games before you include them in the game. If you choose to play with one or both of them, place the Butterfly on the Butterfly Trophy Card and the Frog on the Frog Trophy Card.

9: monkey cards

In the upper left corner of the Monkey Cards you can see their value (Monkey Credits). Sort the Monkey Cards by value and color as shown. Place the multicolored Monkey Cards worth 1 and 2 Monkey Credits in two separate piles. Place the Monkey Cards worth 3, 4 and 5 Monkey Credits in nine separate piles divided by color (light green, dark green, and gold). Place the multicolored Monkey Cards worth 6 Monkey Credits in one separate pile.

The player who last ate a banana takes Player Board 1 along with the building bricks shown on the back of the Player Board. You can choose building bricks of different colors or the same color.

10: Player board

Flip the player board to the front and place it in front of you.

Going clockwise, the next player takes Player Board 2 and the building bricks shown on the back and flips their Player Board, and Player 3 and Player 4 do the same.

Click on a number to read more about each component.

For the best experience, view the game setup on a larger screen. If using a mobile device, switch to landscape mode for optimal viewing.